Tuesday, December 1, 2009

War, Glorious War!!!

Dear President Obama,
When you address the nation tonight, consider dropping a real bomb on the American people. Tell us that even though we cannot win in Afghanistan, it would be immoral and unjust to continue to fight this war on the backs of an all-volunteer army. Therefore, you are initiating an immediate draft. A war we were told was meant to protect and defend ALL Americans, should be fought by all Americans. Enough of 5, 6, 7 and 8 tours for some, and going to the mall for the rest of us. Be really brave, Mr. President. Show the courage your predecessor and his army of armchair advisor-warriors lacked. Stop pretending that war isn't a hideous perversion, and that these wars aren't destroying us as a nation. Tell us the truth, Mr. President. Even if you don't get re-elected, you will have done your nation a great service.
Nina B. Mogilnik

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