Friday, May 4, 2012

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Noah brought home his My Book About Me this week.  As I read through it I thought, "This is not your typical teenager's self-assessment.  No, it's far more amazing and wonderful than that."  Much in the book was familiar, but lovely still.  Favorite color:  blue.  Favorite food:  chicken.  Favorite song:  Jellyman Kelly.  I did learn that Noah's favorite place to be is a restaurant.  I would have thought the Museum of Natural History or the zoo.

What does Noah's name mean:  Nice Obedient Able Hopeful.  I melted over that, though I paused a bit when I got to obedient.  It's true, for the most part, but it also worries me.  Will Noah know when in life to stand up for himself, when it's necessary--or even urgent--not to be obedient?  God I hope so.

If Noah could be an ice cream flavor, he would be chocolate.  He would be Oscar, if he could be any cartoon character.  His superpower would be the ability to fly, which meshes perfectly with his desire to be a pilot when he grows up.  And here is Noah in a nutshell:  If I won the lottery, I would Share.

Noah is special because he likes to dance, read books, and eat apples and oranges.  Flowers make him happy.  He's scared of the rain.  And tickle makes him laugh.  He wants to travel to Colorado.

I've always believed that the greatest power lies in simplicity.  Most of us spend way too much time turning molehills into mountains.  Here's a child--a young man, actually--who turns great adversity into simple truth and beauty.  There is something spectacular and miraculous in that.  I feel so privileged to be able to learn from this incredibly-abled teacher.  I just hope that he considers me a worthy student.  Flowers, sharing and flying.  Indeed.

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